Sites web et réseaux sociaux


  • FrogLog is the world’s #1 amphibian conservation digital magazine
  • Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA) has built a committed global alliance of Partners, dedicated to developing a better world for amphibians through coordinated conservation action.
  • Amphibian Specialist Group (ASG) provides the scientific foundation to inform effective amphibian conservation action around the world.
  • Amphibian Ark was created in 2007 to carry out the ex situ components of the Amphibian Specialist Group’s Amphibian Conservation Action Plan (PDF File).
  • AmphibiaWeb aims to establish a knowledge-base for all amphibians in the world. New amphibian species are added here. Current number of amphibian species: 8,301 (Apr 1, 2021)
  • VipersGarden herpetological database contains 4623 pictures, representing 964 (94.4%) of total 1021 species; 709 (69.4%) NCBI Taxon ID’s (+ ssp., if available), and 16886 files related literature.
  • SAVE THE FROGS! is the world’s most effective amphibian conservation organization.
  • Research and Analysis Network for Neotropical Amphibians‘ (RANA) mission is to promote understanding about amphibian population declines through collaborative research in the Neotropics.
  • The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global extinction risk status of animal, fungus and plant species.
  • Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians (ARAV) is a globally recognized leader promoting scientifically based responsible reptile and amphibian medicine and surgery, research, conservation, and pet ownership.
  • FROGS & FRIENDS hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, den Amphibien eine Stimme zu geben. Sie sind weltweit und in den vielfältigsten Projekten aktiv.
  • Bombina is a page about Fire-bellied toads. Here you will see and find pictures, posters, videos and useful information about all species of the genus Bombina.
  • Turtle Foundation is represented in the United States, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Cape Verde. It is an initiative for the protection of the endangered sea turtles.
  • The Reptile Database provides a catalogue of all living reptile species and their classification. The database covers all living snakes, lizards, turtles, amphisbaenians, tuataras, and crocodiles. Currently there are more than 10,000 species including another 2,800 subspecies.
  • Tropical Herping is an initiative striving to preserve tropical reptiles and amphibians through tourism, photography, research, and education. Our goal is to create a passion for amphibians and reptiles among the greatest number of people in order to obtain the support needed to address the most urgent conservation challenges faced by this group of animals.
  • HerpDigest provides a free Electronic Newsletter Reporting the Latest News on Reptile and Amphibian Science and Conservation.
  • Naturefriends are amongst the largest non-governmental organisations around the globe. 350,000 members are active in local groups/sections and are represented by regional, federal and national associations.
  • is the largest nature observation platform in Europe
  • World Congress of Herpetology: International Herpetological Society
  • Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR) is a not-for-profit organization established to advance research, conservation, and education concerning amphibians and reptiles. It is the largest international herpetological society.
  • Herpetological Conservation & Biology is an open-access international journal that publishes original peer-reviewed research, reviews, and perspectives on the ecology, natural history, management, and conservation biology of amphibians and reptiles.
  • Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR) is a not-for-profit organization established to advance research, conservation, and education concerning amphibians and reptiles, was founded in 1958. It is the largest international herpetological society.
  • iNaturalist ist eine gemeinsame Initiative der « California Academy of Sciences » und der « National Geographic Society ».
    • iNaturalist App ist eine der beliebtesten Natur-Apps der Welt. Die App hilft Ihnen bei der Pflanzen- und Tierbestimmung. Mit ihr kannst du Pflanzen und Tiere in deiner Umgebung identifizieren. Werde Teil einer Gemeinschaft von über 400.000 Wissenschaftlern und Naturforschern, die dir helfen können, noch mehr über die Natur zu erfahren! Darüber hinaus stellst du durch das Melden und Teilen deiner Beobachtungen Daten in Forschungsqualität für Wissenschaftler zur Verfügung.
    • Über 75 Millionen Beobachtungen von über 340’000 Arten weltweit und über 200’000 Freiwillige, die bei der Artbestimmung helfen. Suche hier nach der Art (Species) oder der Region (Location). Die Tiernamen können auch in Deutsch eingegeben werden.
  • Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (PARC) is an inclusive partnership dedicated to the conservation of the herpetofauna–reptiles and amphibians–and their habitats. Our membership includes individuals from state and federal agencies, conservation organizations, museums, pet trade industry, nature centers, zoos, energy industry, universities, herpetological organizations, research laboratories, forest industries, and environmental consultants. The diversity of our membership makes PARC the most comprehensive conservation effort ever undertaken for amphibians and reptiles.
  • The Herpetologists’ League , established in 1946, is an international organization of people devoted to studying herpetology — the biology of amphibians and reptiles. HL publishes two scholarly journals — the quarterly Herpetologica, which contains original research papers and essays, and the annual supplement Herpetological Monographs, which contains lengthy research articles, syntheses, and special symposia.
  • ACO Wildlife Protection Systems


Principauté de Liechtenstein




(Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thüringen)






















  • ist eine wissenschaftliche Organisation, die sich auf die Untersuchung und den Schutz von Amphibien, Reptilien und Fischen in den Niederlanden fokusiert.
  • Lacerta vormt in Nederland al vanaf 1942 een middelpunt waar kennis is gebundeld over voeding, huisvesting, natuurlijk gedrag en kweek van slangen, hagedissen, schildpadden, kikkers en salamanders in de vorm van artikelen over waarnemingen in de natuur en in het terrarium.


  • Belgian Herpetological Society
  • Natagora a pour but de protéger la nature, plus particulièrement en Wallonie et à Bruxelles.
  • GoodPlanet inspire et encourage toutes les générations à vivre durablement. Pour une planète saine, pour tous, pour aujourd’hui et demain. Pour une GoodPlanet.


  • ist eine Webseite, die vom Ministerium für Umwelt, Klima und nachhaltige Entwicklung, der Umweltverwaltung und der Verwaltung für Natur und Wälder des Großherzogtums Luxemburg herausgegeben wird.
  • SICONA ist in über 40 Gemeinden im Süden und Zentrum Luxemburgs aktiv. Seit vielen Jahren setzt sich das Naturschutzsyndikat SICONA zusammen mit seinen Mitgliedsgemeinden konsequent für den Kammmolchschutz ein.
  • hat 11.000 Mitglieder die in lokale oder thematische Vereinigungen aufgeteilt sind. Diese Mitgliedsvereinigungen organisieren eigenständig Aktivitäten, wie Exkursionen oder Naturschutzarbeiten in ihrer Region. Viele Freiwillige engagieren sich in unseren Mitgliedsvereinigungen aktiv für den Naturschutz.



  • The Irish Peatland Conservation Council (IPCC) is best known for the save the bogs campaign in Ireland. Taking action for bogs and wildlife is what we do.
    • Every year IPCC needs the help of people all over Ireland to take part in the National Frog Survey Ireland. Please record where frogs, spawn and tadpoles occur in the Hop to It Irish Frog Survey. 
  • The Herpetological Society of Ireland is a voluntary organisation dedicated to advancement of herpetology in Ireland through education, outreach, and citizen science.
  • The Irish Wildlife Trust (IWT) aims to conserve wildlife and the habitats they depend on throughout Ireland while encouraging a greater understanding and appreciation of the natural world and the need to protect it. The Irish Wildlife Trust was founded in 1979 as a non-governmental organisation and charity.
    • The Irish Wildlife Trust has branches around Ireland who organise events and conservation activities in their County.








  • SaveTheFrogs! Romania isi propune sa informeze oamenii cu privire la amfibieni si necesitatea protejarii lor.



  • is the Amphibians and Reptiles Monitoring & Photography Society in Turkey.


Sultanat d’Oman

Reptiles & Amphibians of the Hajar Mountains (PDF File)

Émirats arabes unis

  • Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, founded in 1996, regulates and enforces Abu Dhabi’s environmental laws to protect biodiversity and preserve the quality of life for a sustainable future.
  • Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve (DDCR), founded in 2002, is a 225 km2 natural reserve and comprises some 5% of the Emirate of Dubai’s total landmass.

Corée du Sud







  • Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) was formed in 1998 in response to the many crises confronting India’s wildlife and wild habitats.




  • Save The Frogs! Ghana is West Africa’s first nonprofit organization dedicated exclusively to amphibian conservation. The mission of Save Ghana Frogs is to protect Ghana’s amphibian populations and to promote a society that respects and appreciates nature and wildlife.

Afrique du Sud

  • African Amphibian Conservation Research Group (AACRG) was established in 2002 to address the deficiencies in conservation research of southern African amphibians.
  • Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) focus on saving species, saving habitats and benefiting people.
  • FrogMAP is a citizen science project which aims to determine the distribution and conservation priorities of frogs on the African continent. FrogMAP is building the 21st century distribution maps for Africa’s Amphibians.
  • The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) contributes to South Africa’s sustainable development by facilitating access to biodiversity data, generating information and knowledge, building capacity, providing policy advice, showcasing and conserving biodiversity in its national botanical and zoological gardens.

Australie et Océanie


  • The Frog Research Team studies Australian frogs, their distributions and habitat use, their community and population dynamics, their ecology, their infection and disease dynamics, their biology, and their immunology. One of their main concerns is the chytridiomycosis.
  • Amphibian Research Centre (ARC) was established as a centre dedicated to research and conservation of Australia’s unique frogs. They provide expertise in all areas of frog knowledge including captive breeding and research and education.
  • Australian Herpetological Society (AHS) was founded as the Australian Reptile Club, in 1949 and was the first natural history society in Australia devoted specifically to herpetology.
  • Australian Governement Department of agriculture, water and the environment
  • FrogID is a national citizen science project that is helping us learn more about what is happening to Australia’s frogs.
  • Taronga‘s insurance colony is a lifeline for the Corroboree Frog, one of Australia’s most critically endangered species.
  • Australian reptiles lists by families
  • Australian Reptile Online Database (AROD) is a searchable database containing information on all currently recognised Australian reptile species.

    Western Australia
  • Kimberley Specialists fight against the spread of invasive cane toads.

    Northern Territory
  • Frogwatch

    South Australia
  • FrogWatch SA fills a gap left by previous citizen science frog survey programs. It uses new technologies, is community driven and covers as much of South Australia as possible throughout the year.

  • Frog Decline Reversal Project is a project that exists to reverse the downward spiral of frog populations in Cairns and enhance regional frog populations through education and increased awareness of the environment. The main focus of the Project is the running of the country’s only frog hospital. Starting out by simply rescuing injured frogs and learning recovery techniques to save individuals which would ordinarily have died in the wild.
    • Our site is metamorphing! Our new name is Frog Safe.
  • Queensland Frog Society is based in South East Queensland, Australia.
  • RANA Frog Group objectives are: funding research, public education and repopulation. RANA encourages members and the community at large to establish ponds and suitable environments in their own garden.
  • Tablelands Frog Club
  • Cape York Herpetological Society is a group of diverse people being active in the northern part of Queensland.

    New South Wales
  • Frog And Tadpole Study Group of NSW (FATS) conducts various community and conservation activities to assist frogs. These include holding information stalls at community environment fairs, presenting workshops on how to make your backyard frog friendly, building frog ponds and school presentations about frogs. FATS also runs a Frog rescue program for stow-away frogs that are accidentally transported into the cities, as well as cane toad removal and awareness programs.

  • Victorian Frog Group
  • Frog Watch aims to involve a large number of Victorians of all ages in actively helping to increase the quality of large-scale frog habitat in Victoria


Amerique du Nord


  • Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of zoos and aquariums in the areas of conservation, education, science, and recreation. AZA represents more than 240 facilities in the United States and overseas. Its Animal Programs and Committees are committed to protecting amphibians.
    • FrogWatch USA is AZA’s citizen science program by which volunteers learn about wetlands in their communities and contribute data on the calls of local frogs and toads to a national dataset.
    • AZA Amphibian Taxon Advisory Group (ATAG) is comprised of peer-elected representatives from across North America. The ATAG steering committee provides direction to AZA members for collective amphibian conservation through the ATAG Regional Collection Plan (RCP). The ATAG RCP prioritizes North American species identified for immediate conservation action through a global prioritization process (IUCN/AArk). Two of ATAG’s primary goals are to expand capacity for species in peril and provide husbandry training/resources for future amphibian stewards.
    • Action Plan for Ex Situ Amphibian Conservation in the AZA Community (PDF file)
  • Help the Hellbender
  • The Foundation for the Conservation of Salamanders is a non-profit organization working to connect sustainable practices with salamander conservation, education and research support.
  • The Amphibian Foundation is dedicated to connecting individuals, communities and organizations in order to create and implement lasting solutions to the global amphibian extinction crisis. Established in 2016 by Mark and Crystal Mandica, we collaborate with partners in the fight against amphibian extinction.
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the premier government agency dedicated to the conservation, protection, and enhancement of fish, wildlife and plants, and their habitats.
  • Amphibians of The United States (
  • The National Wildlife Federation is America’s largest and most trusted conservation organization, works across the country to unite Americans from all walks of life in giving wildlife a voice. We’ve been on the front lines for wildlife since 1936, fighting for the conservation values that are woven into the fabric of our nation’s collective heritage.
    • Refrogging-America — The National Wildlife Federation has partnered with Save The Frogs to encourage creating habitat for California amphibians.


  • Save The Salamanders mission is to help contribute to the conservation of salamanders to ensure their continuing survival, through outreach education efforts and by raising awareness. Save The Salamanders aims to educate individuals of all ages and all walks of life by utilizing several platforms. These include media appearances, awareness campaigns, social networking, the distribution of informative fact sheets, and by presenting educational workshops, lectures, and displays.
  • Amphibians of Canada (




Amérique du Sud




  • El Grupo RANA es una organización sin fines de lucro comprometida con la naturaleza y la sociedad, trabajando por la conservación de la biodiversidad y los ecosistemas.




  • Asociación Colombiana de Herpetología (ACHerpetología) es una sociedad académica sin ánimo de lucro constituida en el 2006 para reunir a todas aquellas personas cuyas actividades científicas, profesionales, técnicas y educativas están relacionadas con el estudio de los anfibios y reptiles.
  • Save The Frogs Colombia


  • Red Chilena de Herpetología (RECH) , agrupa a especialistas de diversas disciplinas del área de las Ciencias Biológicas, dedicados al estudio de diferentes tópicos relacionados con los anfibios y reptiles que habitan en nuestro país.


États insulaires


Herpetology of Trinidad & Tobago